Putting things into perspective

There are times when you realise that the worries and concerns that you have about your work are really very small fry. I’ve just read a message posted on the archives-nra list from Saad Eskander of the Iraqi National Library and Archives (INLA). He and his staff are constantly facing threats and intimidation simply by trying to do their jobs and protect the country’s cultural heritage. Yesterday he reported that a group of Iraqi national guards had broken into the National Library and Archive’s main building by force, claiming that they had orders from their superiors and the Americans to occupy the INLA. He says that this is not the first time that such an incident has happened. Having put so much time and effort into the reconstruction of the library and archives since the destruction caused during the fighting a few years ago, it looks like there is still no end to the dangers facing the materials, as well as the staff themselves. He asks for the support of archivists across the world and maintains that he will continue to fight and expose the wrong doings of the National Guard and the US authorities.

You can read the full message on the archives-nra list, it is entitled ‘Urgent moral support needed’.

Training Day

Early Morning Exercises
The Archives Hub is holding a training day for contributors and potential contributors on Tuesday 25 September here at the University of Manchester.

The day is free and will run from 10.30 to 16.00 with a free lunch provided.

This is a great opportunity for anyone who would like to know more about EAD and about creating descriptions and indexing entries for the Hub. If you would like to attend please email us.

Illustration: Woodcraft Folk photo copyright © National Co-operative Archive.

Tunneling through history!

I attended the Liverpool University Centre for Archive Studies (LUCAS) 60th anniversary event recently. There was one attendee from the first year of the course, in 1947, and she cut the anniversary cake with one of the recent graduates, which was a nice touch. The weekend was very successful, despite the fact that it rained almost constantly. One of the excursions was to see the Williamson Tunnels. These are the curious creation of an eccentric Victorian gentlelman, a labyrinth of tunnels and caverns constructed in the early 1800’s. Joseph Williamson, a rich merchant, seems to have decided to offer work to local unemployed men to build these tunnels from altruistic motives. But the real reason for building them is not clear, and there is no documentation to tell us.

A group of us archivists were taken round by one of the Friends of the Tunnels. He talked about the bricks used for the tunnels and we suggested that the source of the bricks could be traced – being archivists we were inevitably thinking about possible sources to help put together the history of the tunnels. However, I got the feeling that our guide preferred the sense of mystery to remain, and didn’t really want to know about documentary sources!

You can find out more at http://www.williamsontunnels.com/

We also enjoyed a fascinating talk by Professor John Belchem on the history of Liverpool. He has recently edited a book, Liverpool 800: Culture, Character and History, which charts the history of the city from 1207. One of the points he made that struck me was how Liverpool had built its reputation as a city of commerce and tended to look out to the sea, the source of wealth and status, rather than looking inward to England, which has in some ways been responsible for the sense that Liverpool is rather isolated. When the fortunes of the city started changing for the worse, there was a reluctance within Liverpool to label it as an industrial city, because it still saw itself as a city of commerce and empire, and this meant that when the government was giving out aid to struggling industrial centres, Liverpool was largely by-passed.

As well as excursions and talks, we also took advantage of a table tennis room (croquet was out unfortunately). Margaret Procter, LUCAS Course Director, and I, were the table tennis champions, hence the rather odd picture of us with some garishly coloured ping pong balls!

In defence of blogs

I have just read an entry on the e-Foundation blog referring to Jakob Nielsen’s alertbox entry ‘Write Articles, Not Blog Postings’ where he relates an incident where he advised a ‘world leader in his field’ to invest time in writing articles rather than starting a blog, which Nielsen seems to define (erroneously I would say) as posting numerous short comments on blogosphere discussions. It may be true that blog entries do not always represent highly detailed, top quality, innovative thinking, but I think that many blogs are well worth reading and perform a useful function. As Andy Powell says on the e-Foundation blog, Nielsen does seem to be assuming that a blog entry is always superficial and derivative.

It is true that we started the Archives Hub blog without any real in-depth analysis of the cost and benefits of doing so, and that we weren’t thinking of posting ground-breaking content, but maybe the material point is that we started it with the notion that we could just try it out and see how it goes. I suppose this is one of the underlying drivers of Web 2.0, and we felt that at the very least it would be useful to post news, with hopefully some ideas and comments that would be useful to archivists and others working in similar areas. Whilst the pressure to blog can sometimes be kind of intimidating, there is no doubt that a blog entry is often forthcoming where an article for a peer reviewed journal would never materialise. I am sure that we are not alone in this situation. Apart from the fact that we are not strictly research staff, and could not find the time to write in-depth articles of this nature, we also want to be immediate and current and we see great advantages in the immediacy of a blog.

Nielsen says that weblogs are useful for business projects and for sites that sell cheap products. Well, I beg to differ. Whilst many blogs are not terribly useful for my work, I have feeds for a few dozen that I think are well worth casting my eye over. I can just read the posts that seem most relevant and interesting to me. I am generally more likely to do this than to search out articles in academic journals.

P.S. I should say that I have generally found Nielsen’s alertbox to be useful and worthwhile. I well remember his top 10 mistakes in Web design providing invaluable advice, back in the days when I had little idea about usability and accessibility.

No need to go to an archive!

I’ve just been reading Taking Part: The National Survey of Culture, Leisure and Sport Annual Report 2005-2006. Well, i’ve been reading the conclusions and then reading the archive bits, as its rather long and i’m less interested in those taking part in active sport and gambling.

Anyway, it seems that ‘6 percent of all adults attended an archive at least once during the past twelve months.’ That’s about 2.4 million, which is a respectable number. Almost all of these had engaged in other cultural or sporting activities. With my Archives Hub bias I am immediately struck by the fact that this survey is about physical visits to archives and so misses out on satisfied users who have got the information that they needed from online resources.

I was a little surprised that the majority had visited (I can’t use the word ‘attended’ – it doesn’t sound right) just once or twice (80%). I would have thought a larger proportion would have visited several times in a year. I was pleased to see that though attendance by ethnicity showed that adults from white ethnic backgrounds had higher rates of attendance, there were still significant proportions from other ethnic groups visiting archives. The figures for attendance by qualification showed the majority of visitors had A-levels or above and the age range was pretty much as expected.

We are of course always keen to attract more people to use archives, but not so encouraging was the fact that the largest majority who had not visited one said they had ‘no need to go’. I think there will always be a significant proportion who are not, at least on the surface, interested in documented history, but having said that, through exhibitions and interactive events we might persuade some of these people that archives can be relevant to them, even if they are not interested in sitting in a reading room. There were 14% who said that visiting an archive had not occurred to them, so this is a potential group to tap into.

From the point of view of the Hub, the 14% who felt that they might visit an archive if there was better information on how to find material are a significant group, as our mission is really to enable users to find archive materials more easily. The survey collected data from 28,000 people, so 14% is pretty significant. However, we can’t do much about the 30% who would visit if they had more free time!

Pick ‘n’ Mix: Flora


The final installment of June’s Pick ‘n’ Mix feature has a botanical theme. Our Digital Artist in Residence, Aileen Collis, has created a design based on an image of an illustration of wild rose haups in Illustrations of Scottish Flora (1912-1913) by David R. Robinson, part of the Kinnear Collection, held at University of Dundee Archive Services.

And, above, here’s a detail of another of another illustration "Types of Bramble. Rubus Fructicocus (Rosaceæ). From Woods Strathmigle to Falkland road, July 29th, 1913".

Photograph copyright © University of Dundee Archive Services.

Pick ‘n’ Mix: Beside the seaside

Punch and Judy booth by Aileen Collis

The latest installment of June’s Pick ‘n’ Mix feature has a seaside theme. Our Digital Artist in Residence, Aileen Collis, has created a design based on a seaside image. Aileen previously created digitally-printed fabric from a photo of Southport rock, and this fabric was used in constructing a Punch ‘n’ Judy booth – pictured here on Southport beach in Summer 2005. The Punch ‘n’ Judy booth also made an appearance at the Archives Hub’s To Boldly Go! event that July.

Photograph by Shaw + Shaw, courtesy of Aileen Collis. Design copyright © Aileen Collis.

Arts and Humanities: research patterns and needs

I attended a very stimulating, thought-provoking and exhausting event yesterday, to discuss the possible implementation of an e-information infrastructure for arts and humanities. It was organised by the Research Information Network (RIN) and Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). E-information infrastructures include all kinds of digital content resources and the infrastructure than underpins them.

The day was so full, and covered so much, that it is difficult to summarise. A number of projects were presented, including Research Portals in the Arts and Humanities (RePAH), Gathering Evidence: Current ICT use and Future Needs for Arts and Humanities Researchers, Peer Review of Digital Resources and Log Analysis of Internet Resources (LAIRAH).

I thought I would just list some of the key points that were made, areas that were discussed and general conclusions reached. This is not a comprehensive record of the discussion but just my impression of the points that came up:

  • The arts and humanities research community is diverse heterogeneous and complex and so it is very difficult to characterise and to come up with a set of needs and wants.
  • The question was raised as to whether we can really talk about an arts and humanities community at all
  • Libraries and archives play a critical role but the library focus will need to extend beyond books and journals
  • Institutional repositories will come to play a key role
  • We are not really clear where we are at present in terms of the research landscape, let alone where we are going. There is currently no clear direction.
  • We would benefit from a clear map of resources available and the various organisations that provide data, advice and support
  • We do not think enough about issues of re-usability of resources
  • Interoperability is of paramount importance
  • Sustainability is a key issue. We do not continue to care for, update and generally make the most of many research outputs. Not enough attention is paid to the benefits of a project after the funding has finished
  • Evidence of use and evidence of value are different things, and should be treated separately. We do not have enough information about either, especially evidence of value
  • The gathering and analysis of evidence is key
  • An e-information infrastructure must be user-driven, though it was acknowledged that users do not always know what they want or need (and cannot predict what might be available to them in the future)
  • Amalgamated resources are hugely important
  • Researchers will take up and use digital resources when they are readily available
  • It may be that we don