Elephants Never Forget: Sally Ann

Illuminated letter 'S''
Above: One of the drawings created during a recent open day held at Wiltshire and Swindon Archives. This one is by Sally Ann Hughes, age 17, and was inspired by the Book of Kells. Submitted by Claire Skinner of Wiltshire and Swindon Archives.

THE BIG DRAW. The Campaign for DrawingThis October the Archives Hub is taking part in The Big Draw. We want you to make drawings inspired by archives – or by elephants! – scan them or photograph them, and then email the digital versions to us. We’ll give an Archives Hub notepad and propelling pencil to everyone who sends us a drawing, and the first name out of the pith helmet will receive some paper made from elephant pooh! If you send us your postal address, we won’t use it for anything else.

Elephants Never Forget: Rosamond

Below: One of the drawings created during a recent open day held at Wiltshire and Swindon Archives. This one of a princess is by Rosamond Bailey, age 7, and was inspired by a portrait of Queen Elizabeth I. Submitted by Claire Skinner of Wiltshire and Swindon Archives.

Princess - Rosie
THE BIG DRAW. The Campaign for DrawingThis October the Archives Hub is taking part in The Big Draw. We want you to make drawings inspired by archives – or by elephants! – scan them or photograph them, and then email the digital versions to us. We’ll give an Archives Hub notepad and propelling pencil to everyone who sends us a drawing, and the first name out of the pith helmet will receive some paper made from elephant pooh! If you send us your postal address, we won’t use it for anything else.

Elephants Never Forget: Laura

Illuminated letters spelling 'Laura'
Above: One of the drawings created during a recent open day held at Wiltshire and Swindon Archives. This one is by Laura Bailey, age 10, and was inspired by the Book of Kells. Submitted by Claire Skinner of Wiltshire and Swindon Archives.

THE BIG DRAW. The Campaign for DrawingThis October the Archives Hub is taking part in The Big Draw. We want you to make drawings inspired by archives – or by elephants! – scan them or photograph them, and then email the digital versions to us. We’ll give an Archives Hub notepad and propelling pencil to everyone who sends us a drawing, and the first name out of the pith helmet will receive some paper made from elephant pooh! If you send us your postal address, we won’t use it for anything else.

Elephants Never Forget: Felix

Illuminated letters spelling 'Felix'
Above: One of the drawings created during a recent open day held at Wiltshire and Swindon Archives. This one is by Felix Dawson, and was inspired by the Book of Kells. Submitted by Claire Skinner of Wiltshire and Swindon Archives.

THE BIG DRAW. The Campaign for DrawingThis October the Archives Hub is taking part in The Big Draw. We want you to make drawings inspired by archives – or by elephants! – scan them or photograph them, and then email the digital versions to us. We’ll give an Archives Hub notepad and propelling pencil to everyone who sends us a drawing, and the first name out of the pith helmet will receive some paper made from elephant pooh! If you send us your postal address, we won’t use it for anything else.

Elephants Never Forget: Alisha

Illuminated letter Illuminated letter Illuminated letter
Above: A set of drawings created during a recent open day held at Wiltshire and Swindon Archives. These are by Alisha Hislop, aged 10, and were inspired by the Book of Kells. Submitted by Claire Skinner of Wiltshire and Swindon Archives.

THE BIG DRAW. The Campaign for DrawingThis October the Archives Hub is taking part in The Big Draw. We want you to make drawings inspired by archives – or by elephants! – scan them or photograph them, and then email the digital versions to us. We’ll give an Archives Hub notepad and propelling pencil to everyone who sends us a drawing, and the first name out of the pith helmet will receive some paper made from elephant pooh! If you send us your postal address, we won’t use it for anything else.

Elephants Never Forget: Adam

Illuminated letter
Above: The first of some colourful drawings created during a recent open day held at Wiltshire and Swindon Archives. This one is by Adam Gill, aged 17, and was inspired by the Book of Kells. Submitted by Claire Skinner of Wiltshire and Swindon Archives.

THE BIG DRAW. The Campaign for DrawingThis October the Archives Hub is taking part in The Big Draw. We want you to make drawings inspired by archives – or by elephants! – scan them or photograph them, and then email the digital versions to us. We’ll give an Archives Hub notepad and propelling pencil to everyone who sends us a drawing, and the first name out of the pith helmet will receive some paper made from elephant pooh! If you send us your postal address, we won’t use it for anything else.

Elephants Never Forget: The Elephant of the Pagoda

Illustration of elephant
Above: Illustration from the 1840s, showing an elephant in the Cirque National, Paris. Submitted by Jan Pimblett of London Metropolitan Archives.

THE BIG DRAW. The Campaign for DrawingThis October the Archives Hub is taking part in The Big Draw. We want you to make drawings inspired by archives – or by elephants! – scan them or photograph them, and then email the digital versions to us. We’ll give an Archives Hub notepad and propelling pencil to everyone who sends us a drawing, and the first name out of the pith helmet will receive some paper made from elephant pooh! If you send us your postal address, we won’t use it for anything else.

Elephants Never Forget: Grace

Elephant drawing
Above: elephant drawing by Grace Wild, aged 9.

THE BIG DRAW. The Campaign for DrawingThis October the Archives Hub is taking part in The Big Draw. We want you to make drawings inspired by archives – or by elephants! – scan them or photograph them, and then email the digital versions to us. We’ll give an Archives Hub notepad and propelling pencil to everyone who sends us a drawing, and the first name out of the pith helmet will receive some paper made from elephant pooh! If you send us your postal address, we won’t use it for anything else.

Elephants Never Forget: Elephant Boy

Elephant and Sabu
Above: Submitted by Jenny Clark of Loughborough University: "This is a sketch based on a photograph from the Norman Swindin Collection in Loughborough University Archives. Swindin was a chemical engineer. The photograph the drawing is based on was taken during the making of the film Elephant Boy, (London Films, 1937), starring Sabu. At Swindin’s suggestion the vulcanised rubber spray made by his company, Nordac, was used to produce suitable rubber ‘elephant hide’ for a life size model elephant to be used in the rampage scene. 400 miniature rubber elephants were also made to represent a distant herd. When Swindin went to the first showing of the film he couldn’t spot a single fake! Nordac was later asked to make a rubber whale for Moby Dick but, sadly, had to decline."

THE BIG DRAW. The Campaign for DrawingThis October the Archives Hub is taking part in The Big Draw. We want you to make drawings inspired by archives – or by elephants! – scan them or photograph them, and then email the digital versions to us. We’ll give an Archives Hub notepad and propelling pencil to everyone who sends us a drawing, and the first name out of the pith helmet will receive some paper made from elephant pooh! If you send us your postal address, we won’t use it for anything else.

Elephants Never Forget: Here be elephants

Elephant drawing
Elephant painting
Above: Two elephants, by Brook Community School Hackney. Submitted by Jan Pimblett of London Metropolitan Archives.

THE BIG DRAW. The Campaign for DrawingThis October the Archives Hub is taking part in The Big Draw. We want you to make drawings inspired by archives – or by elephants! – scan them or photograph them, and then email the digital versions to us. We’ll give an Archives Hub notepad and propelling pencil to everyone who sends us a drawing, and the first name out of the pith helmet will receive some paper made from elephant pooh! If you send us your postal address, we won’t use it for anything else.